Australia Davos Connection Forum

Global Shifts: Navigating the New Dynamics

Every year the country’s premier gathering of leaders from business, government and civil society, for the fearless exchange of ideas concerning Australia and the world is organised by ADC Forum.

As it's been a tradition in recent years, Hayman Island provided an idyllic backdrop for everyone to build strong relationships and openly discuss the most concerning issues facing Australia within and inside the world context.

  • Location
  • :
  • One and Only, Hayman Island
  • Dates
  • :
  • 20-22 May 2016
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: ADC-forum-2016-Leadership-Retreat-Zhu-Min- hip Retreat Zhu Min
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: ADC-forum-2016-Leadership-Retreat-Katrina-Chow-and-Anton-Roux- hip Retreat Katrina Chow and Anton Roux
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: ADC-forum-2016-Leadership-Retreat-Coffee-Break- hip Retreat Coffee Break
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: ADC-forum-2016-Leadership-Retreat-Jack-O'Banion- hip Retreat Jack O'Banion
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: ADC-forum-2016-Leadership-Retreat-Lieutenant-General-John-Frewen-AM- hip Retreat Lieutenant General John Frewen AM
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: ADC-forum-2016-Leadership-Retreat-Audience- hip Retreat Audience
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: ADC-forum-2016-Leadership-Retreat-Joe-Schoendorf- hip Retreat Joe Schoendorf
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: ADC-forum-2016-Leadership-Retreat-Breakfast- hip Retreat Breakfast
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: ADC-forum-2016-Leadership-Retreat-Lauren-Todorovic- hip Retreat Lauren Todorovic
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: ADC-forum-2016-Leadership-Retreat-Greg-Hunt-MP- hip Retreat Greg Hunt MP
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: ADC-forum-2016-Leadership-Retreat-John-Daly-and-Alan-Finkel- hip Retreat John Daly and Alan Finkel
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: ADC-forum-2016-Leadership-Retreat-Rebecca-Fabrizi- hip Retreat Rebecca Fabrizi
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: ADC-forum-2016-Leadership-Retreat-George-Freney- hip Retreat George Freney
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: ADC-forum-2016-Leadership-Retreat-Dr.-Emil-Bolongaita- hip Retreat Dr. Emil Bolongaita
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: ADC-forum-2016-Leadership-Retreat-Martin-Wolf- hip Retreat Martin Wolf
Photography Portfolio by P-O-L-O: ADC-forum-2016-Leadership-Retreat-Joe-Schoendorf,-Stephen-Roux-and-Michael-Roux- hip Retreat Joe Schoendorf, Stephen Roux and Michael Roux